Logisticus Group just wrapped a major study in which we analyzed 19 locations (substations) for a utility customer, as part of a wide range of customizable, “white glove” services we offer the utilities sector. One of these utilities-focused services we provide is the Emergency Transformer Transportation Support Guide. Learn more about this offering below.
Our array of capabilities in this regard is unmatched in the industry – which is why we’ve recently been designated as Enterprise Wide Heavy Hauling and Lifting Carrier of Choice for a Top 10 Utility Provider.
Since 2012, Logisticus Group has delivered over 1800 MW of power components/generators, and successfully planned and executed over 19 GW of power plants through North & South America.
If you’re interested in talking more about these capabilities, contact us.
PHASE I: Pre-assessment ⇢
In this phase, we receive component weight and dimensions, as well as origin(s) and destination(s); then evaluates best possible route options and known risks. We also:
⇢ Review of component specific information to identify the best transportation mode option(s).
⇢ Identify potential routes, railroad options and sidings, and optimal equipment needed to perform the job.

PHASE II: Physical Assessment ⇢
We deploy our team to conduct a physical assessment of all potential routes, and to identify any impediments along the way. This includes:
⇢ Physical review of roads, bridges, rail siding conditions, overhead obstructions, turn radii, etc.
⇢ Meeting with local authorities and DOT to review transit options against physical review.
⇢ Identification of any civil improvement(s) necessary for transit.

PHASE III: Emergency Support Guide ⇢
Logisticus then creates and disseminates the Route Study Report that details the nuances of the route and acts as a playbook for emergent/planned outages. This guide also consists of the following:
⇢ Comprehensive, multi-level guide outlining steps to be taken to best fast-track transportation.
⇢ Details of recommended mode(s) of transportation, as well as associated risk levels for each, relative lead times, and permits required.
⇢ Ability to file for rail clearance(s) that can be valid for up to 1 year.
Streamlined process ⇢
We’ve been there and done it! We have the requisite knowledge and experience to get the job done right.
Comprehensive route study ⇢
Our team conducts a comprehensive survey of all possible routes to identify any impediments along the way, no matter the risk level.
Project management ⇢
We setup and manage project timeline, contract w/ local suppliers from our Regional Supplier Network, and then coordinate with DOT and other government entities to make your life easier.
Civil improvements ⇢
Logisticus’ in-house engineering team will design and then will source all approvals from public and/or private entities, and execute civil improvements needed.

Reach out to us if you need transformer support (including emergencies such as critical failures and otherwise). We can provide offsite civil engineering services (such as route assessment and improvements), handle the actual transport (including crane and rigging), offer customized storage solutions and more.